
QuickBooks Money Application

QuickBooks Money Application


The problem & opportunity

To redesign the application experience for small business owners around the world who want to get one of QuickBooks’ offerings that involve the literal movement of money. Small business owners need to go through this application in order to be able to accept payments, pay their employees, get a QuickBooks checking account, or get a loan in QuickBooks.

The experience needed to scale across all of these offerings, across multiple countries, across various end-to-end workflows, and across use cases where users have given us a varying amount of info already.

Project duration: 6 months in 2020-2021

My role

Design strategy, interaction design, visual design, content design, motion design, and research


A 4% increase to applications submitted

Our “From” and “To”

The original experience

This experience had lots of clicks to complete the info, switches context from reviewing info to inputting info, and visually takes up a lot of space so the overall application feels like a lot more effort than it needs to be.

The redesigned application experience

This experience has minimized the amount of clicks needed to complete the info, keeps the context focused on inputting info (with the ability to easily review previously inputted info), and has visually reduced all unnecessary components so it can feel as easy as possible to complete.


Detailed experiences & use cases

Since the application experience needs to span across a handful of different user intents (payments, payroll, banking, or capital) and a varying amount of effort the user needs to put into the application, there are three main experiences that were created to feel as personalized and as seamless to the broader end-to-end experience as possible.

If we don’t have much info

This experience is for use cases where the user hasn’t really told us too much about themselves or their business in QuickBooks yet. This means they need to provide quite a bit of info to submit their application, so we guide them through the experience.


If we have all of the user’s info

This experience is for use cases where the user doesn’t need to input any information. This means they just need to review their info and our terms and then they can submit their application.


Curious about my design process and rationale to get to the redesigned experience?

Reach out and I’d be happy to chat about it ☺️