
Provocation: Mint Sign Up

Mint Sign Up


The task

To create a provocation for what the Mint sign up experience would look like and feel like if Dieter Rams had designed it.


My role

Interaction, Visual, and Content designer



Native mobile app

Responsive web


Project duration

1 week




How I got there

Understanding Dieter

Understanding Dieter Rams

I started off by researching who Dieter Rams was, his design philosophies, and the products he created. The main elements that I wanted to take from his principles were really stripping back the experience to focus on the function of the experience and to make the tactical bits of the experience feel incredibly enticing to interact with.


Going broad with ideas

I then brainstormed and sketched a bunch of different ways to achieve a sign up experience in Dieter’s style. For this exercise, I wanted to make sure the experience could scale from a native mobile experience to a responsive web experience.

Digital Ideas

Digitizing the top ideas

Once I had a bunch of potential ideas, I then narrowed into the top contenders and digitized them to see how they would look in the digital world.

Mint Experience

Choose the top idea + refine

I then was able to choose the top idea, where the entire experience was stripped to the core essentials and the final call-to-action was a round, juicy button, which I felt is something that Dieter might’ve chosen as a design element.

Mint Final

Finalize the designs

From there, based on my key native mobile app experience looked like, I was able to mock up how all of the experiences would look like across platforms.